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We Are


"One person's rubbish  is another person's  treasure"

This fully transparent organisation's first aim is to provide relief parcels to orphanages in third world countries, in a bid to provide the children with clothing, toys, nappies, books and various other things. Secondly, we are striving to provide a helping hand by supporting deprived communities in any way possible, both in the **UK** and abroad - by nominating a particular cause and focusing on one area of need at a time. This could entail a plethora of different schemes, such as assisting in the funding of local youth centers, helping with uniforms for a community children’s football team or giving aid to families who need help with hospital fees. 

In terms of our broader long term goals, the 'Giving It Back' community strives to build self sufficient and sustainable villages in third world countries, that will subsequently provide the local homeless people with the access to a better quality of life. 

Donate your pre-loved clothes today

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