You can getting invoulved in any of our current projects as a indavidual,group or a family. You can also launch a fundraisng/awareness event of your own just click on any of our buttons below for more infomation hope you see a project that suits.
People Help The People
People help the people project is a cummunity empowerment initiative based in The Gambia. we are building a sustainable Eco village for orphans and aboundened children. we would love you to get involved.
Corporate Support
GIBC is run by voulunteers which means all support at any capacity is hugely needed. There are many ways companies can help raise awareness and funds corporate events, sponsored events ect or even knowalage in spacific areas of experties.
Give A Donation
GIBC works hard to be a selfseficent organisation however, you can help us reach even more children and communities making an amazing sustainable changes. you may like to donate to a specific project or just support the oraniasiton carry out our work in any case its will be masiviley appriciated.
GIBC is run solely by volunteers from all walk of life and our team are always looking for like minded peolpe who just wish to give back in any way they can. Why not join us in making amazing life changes for others.
Family Fun
GIBC understands the importance of family interaction and bonding so why not get your whole family involved in one of our family fun initiatives. Not only will youi be hepling make massive diffrences by raising awareness ofr funds you will have a chanche to spend some quality time with your loved ones.